Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Post: Taking Down the Christmas Tree

I am trying to get organized for the new semester.  I've completed one term in the Paralegal program at Guilford Tech Community College (http://www.gtcc.edu).  I am reinventing myself by going back to school at this point in my life and I have taken an immersion approach to the field of legal studies;  more on my theory about that later.

I have a lot of ideas for this Blog.  I already have a list of things to share with all of you about school and getting jobs, and stuff I think we should all learn about the field that school may not teach us.  I also have a lot of tips about technology having been in that field for a number of years.

So this Blog is for and about being a paralegal student.  My hope is that after I finish school in a few years I could perhaps hand the Blog over to a new student, passing the torch as it were.  For now, since it's my first post, I'll keep in short.  Since school starts back up in less than a week, I know that if I don't take the Christmas tree down it will stay up until Spring Break.

Lynne Koenigsknecht
The Paralegal Student

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blawgosphere, Lynne (I'll have no problem remembering your name :) I look forward to following your legal career.

    My Christmas tree is still up, but it didn't go up until the day before Christmas, so I think I've still got some leeway...
